For this paper, you will create an argument that defends your position on whethe

For this paper, you will create an argument that defends your position on whether social networking sites offer more positives or negatives to the individuals who use them (you can also argue whether these sites are good for society or not). These sites can range from general-themed friends-and-acquaintances sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to specific interest message boards (Pinterest, Reddit, etc.) to video and information-sharing sites (Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc.). As with any argument, you should start off with an interesting and informative introduction that includes a thesis statement that meets the standards for a thesis. This thesis will be defended by reasons and evidence. One part of your support needs to be an emotional appeal to needs and/or values. In making your argument, you will also need to properly synthesize material from at least three of ten essays that will be uploaded to our Canvas page:

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