Final Project: Research a topic on rational numbers (fractions): lowest terms, e

Final Project:
Research a topic on rational numbers (fractions): lowest terms, equivalent fractions,
comparing fractions, a fraction operation – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
or a specific property, and ideas about approaches to pedagogy/teaching methods. Use
the Common Core Standards noted in chapter 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3 of our textbook. Also refer
to the Mathematics Grades Pre-Kindergarten to 12, Massachusetts Curriculum
Frameworks, link below, read pages 19 – 21).
Find at least one related article at the QCC Alden Library.
 Use academic sources to research the topic and teaching methods. > Class Guides >
Math – Math for Educators I and II, may be helpful and you can also ask a
librarian for assistance.
Write a summary of what you learned about the topic and pedagogy.
 Produce a typed, one-page summary in essay form. Note your topic, the
Common Core Standard and grade level, and cite your article/s in MLA
 You can also visit the QCC Writing Center for assistance:
The project is 15 % of your grade and it is due on May 9th, 2024 at 7pm. Late work will
not be accepted. Grading will be based on a total of 100 points: 75 points for the
summary, which should include the topic, Common Core Standard and grade level, your
observations and what you learned, and citation of the article/s: 25 points for your
Frameworks (Math):

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