Exam Content This week you focused on cardiovascular health. You will obtain pa

Exam Content
This week you focused on cardiovascular health. You will obtain patient information using POLDCARTS and apply the information you have gathered, leading to a diagnosis. You will apply your knowledge of pathophysiology of the conditions to educate patients on their diagnosis. Now it is time to apply your knowledge by completing a case study on metabolic syndrome.

For this assignment, you will use UpToDate from the Nursing Resources page to search for and locate evidence-based guidelines to answer the questions within the case study.

Watch the following videos on the POLDCARTS patient interview method to help you with this assessment on YouTube:
“How to Get a Patient History” from Real World NP
“Taking a headache history with OLD CAART” from Clinical Advisor

Complete the Patient Diagnosis Case Study: Metabolic Syndrome document.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Center for Writing Excellence
Reference and Citation Generator
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Link: How to get a Patient history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGrDbC3X2oc
Link: OLDCAART: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4tC2esMds

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