Evaluate Audio Partners’ proposed approach to continuous improvement. Write a 6-

Evaluate Audio Partners’ proposed approach to continuous improvement. Write a 6-page paper that critiques the proposed approach and details a continuous improvement program using the applied theories learned in the course. The principles can be found below.
Operations Management, Value Chain, and Measuring PerformanceGoods & Services
Measuring for Success
Operations Strategy & TechnologyIdentifying Competencies (Competitive Advantage)
Cost and Differentiation
Goods & Services Design and Supply Chain Design
Processes, Decisions, and Analyses in Designing OperationsThe life Cycle of Goods & Services
Designing for Facility Layout, Workflow, and Ergonomics
Forecasting, Planning and Capacity
Inventory Management and LogisticsInventory Analysis and Control
Technology and the Supply Chain
Managing Resources and SchedulingResource Planning
Quality Control and Putting it All TogetherDefining Quality
Demonstrating Quality
Please include a conclusion and an introduction as well as 4 scholarly sources and no AI content

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