Effective classroom facilitation in both online and traditional environments fos

Effective classroom facilitation in both online and traditional environments fosters student engagement in their learning.
Imagine that you have been asked by your department chairman or college dean to assist other instructors in enhancing their classroom facilitation in order to increase student engagement and improve learning.
Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation to utilize as a professional development session for higher education instructors. Describe the following within your presentation:
Explanation of the effect of student engagement on student achievement in higher education and how student engagement is supported by adult learning theories previously explored.
Four engagement strategies for learner-to-learner interaction (two strategies for a traditional classroom and two strategies for an online classroom).
Four engagement strategies for learner-to-instructor interaction (two strategies for a traditional classroom and two strategies for an online classroom).
Four engagement strategies for learner-to-content interaction (two strategies for a traditional classroom and two strategies for an online classroom).
Two presentation methods for your content and how they would be applied to online and traditional classroom environments to facilitate student learning.

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