choose two companies within the same industry to track during the Spring semeste

choose two companies within the same industry to track during the Spring semester.
, you will be required to evaluate the two companies’ activities across multiple
disciplines including management, marketing, and finance. You will be asked to review articles in the WSJ
which deal with the two companies selected. The term project will include the following sections:
 Historical development of the two companies
 A current comprehensive strategic (SWOT) and financial analysis of the companies
 Comparing the two companies in terms of managerial and financial decisions and
other events that impact their respective stock prices
 The future direction of the industry and the two companies in the industry
Overall, the term project asks you to track your selected companies in the WSJ and other sources you may
have access to, to keep article summaries on the two companies, and to address the issues identified above in
the analysis of the two companies. paper length should be 10-12 pages.
please use The Wall Street Journal for this!!

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