CH. 3: SOCIAL TRANSITIONS INSTRUCTIONS: Submit your responses to these questio


INSTRUCTIONS: Submit your responses to these questions in this document, save it, and upload it in the Chapter Topic Summary Submission #3 option in the Assignments tab of Canvas.
Describe what is meant by the elongation of adolescence, as covered in Ch. 3.
2. Identify 3 stressors which young adults may experience when still living with their parents, based on your opinion.
3. Describe a real-life example of a family environment which could cause an adolescent to develop trust issues, based on your opinion.
4. Identify the 5 main features of the emerging adulthood stage, as covered
in Ch. 3.
5. Identify 3 positive aspects of having a romantic relationship during the
emerging adulthood stage, based on your opinion.
6. Identify 3 negative aspects of having a romantic relationship during the
emerging adulthood stage, based on your opinion.
7. Describe the possible effects of poverty on the transition into adulthood, as covered in the Chapter 3 Notes.
8. Describe 3 real-life situations which may cause confusion during the emerging adulthood stage, based on your opinion.
9.Describe 3 negative effects of racism upon an adolescent’s sense of identity, based on your opinion.
10. Describe 3 positive social media influences on an adolescent’s sense of identity, based on your opinion.
Book:ADOLESCENCE Required/Recommended: Required Authors: Laurence Steinberg Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 2016 Copyright Date: 2016 ISBN 10: ISBN-10: 9781264123795 ISBN 13: ISBN-13: 9781264123797

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