Career Research Paper Directions and Format Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, type

Career Research Paper Directions and Format
Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, typed, #12 font Content:
For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in this class. Answer the following questions in the written paper (paragraph format).
Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?
Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your Assessments in CollegeScope to help you answer this.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?
What is a typical day, week, month, year?
What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?
What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?
What are the educational requirements you need to complete to get into this field? Licenses? Experience?
What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.
What are the growth opportunities?
What interesting facts did you discover?
Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and copy/paste it into your paper. Go to College Central (your campus online job-board you learned about in Week 5 Discussion)
To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information listed in the bullets below.
Websites, Texts, E-books, Articles (databases at the library)
Informational Interview: It is encouraged you use an interview with a person in your career of interest. Go back to the Informational Interview Assignment in Week 3.
Assessments (Personality, Multiple Intelligences, Learning, Skills).
O*Net OnlineLinks to an external site. (You researched this website in CollegeScope. A librarian can help you with this site as well.)
Occupational Outlook HandbookLinks to an external site.
Outlook Quarterly and Career Outlook PublicationsLinks to an external site.
Include a “Works Cited” listing of the sources you used. Get help form the library if you need help with your “Works Cited” format.
Visit the Career Center to get help researching.
Visit the Writing Center for help with your paper.
Sample Career Research Papers
Marketing Manager
English Teacher
Civil Engineer
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