BUS 407 – Week 6 Discussion – Traditional Training Methods Part 1 Prepare Wa

BUS 407 – Week 6 Discussion – Traditional Training Methods
Part 1
Watch the scenario below to prepare for this week’s discussion:
Selecting the Training Method. Download a transcript of the video Download transcript of the video.

Based on the discussion preparation scenario, assess key roles of the lecture or discussion training method as they apply to today’s virtual era. Provide examples from the scenario and the textbook to support your rationale.
Part 2
Respond to classmate’s post (Monisha Z.)
The lecture/discussion training method plays a crucial role in today’s virtual era, offering several key benefits:
1. Interactive learning: This method encourages active participation, fostering engagement and collaboration among learners, even in virtual settings.
Example from the scenario: Deborah emphasizes the importance of questioning in starting discussions, ensuring trainees understand the information correctly and creating a common understanding.
1. Cost-effective: Lecture/discussion training can be delivered virtually, reducing costs associated with external speakers, travel, and venue rental.
Example from the scenario: Deborah highlights the cost control aspect, as the training will be managed in-house, and her training specialist will act as the trainer.
1. Flexibility: This method can be adapted to various virtual platforms, accommodating different learning styles and preferences.
Example from the textbook: Lecture/discussion training can be delivered through webinars, video conferencing, or online discussion forums, catering to diverse learning needs.
1. Time-efficient: Lecture/discussion training can be condensed into shorter sessions, fitting into busy schedules and meeting tight deadlines.
Example from the scenario: Deborah mentions that the training can be conducted in just three weeks, demonstrating the time-efficiency of this method.
1. Enhanced retention: Interactive discussions and questioning sessions help reinforce learning, leading to better retention and application of knowledge.
Example from the textbook: Research shows that active learning approaches like lecture/discussion training result in higher retention rates and improved knowledge transfer.
In conclusion, the lecture/discussion training method is a versatile and effective approach in today’s virtual era, offering interactive learning, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, time-efficiency, and enhanced retention. These benefits are evident in the scenario and supported by textbook examples, making this method an ideal choice for virtual training programs.

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