Both in traditional and online classrooms, journal entries are used as tools for

Both in traditional and online classrooms, journal entries are used as tools for student reflection. By consciously thinking about and comparing issues, life experiences, and course readings, students are better able to understand links between theory and practice and to generate justifiable, well-supported opinions. This kind of writing assignment is meant to be interactive, as you engage with ideas and experiences that bring about questions, comparisons, insights, criticisms, speculations, and tentative conclusions. Although somewhat less formal than essays or other course writing assignments, journal entries should still construct a coherent narrative, use complete sentences, be grammatically correct, and be scholarly in tone.
Each entry, should be thoughtful and comprehensive (two or more paragraphs) and relate the journal entry to Reflect. If you wish, you may also choose to write about one of more themes from the list below. Include your original critical thinking and in some way, link to the concepts we are studying in class during the time of entry. There are 7 entries for Journal 2. Please complete them all.
The journal should be kept on-line in a format that is easily provided to instructor (use Microsoft word or google docs)
It will be submitted at time of end of semester in Assignments Journal 2.
Be sure to read the attachment for tips on writing journal entries to support classroom learning.2/content/enforced/59106-FA21_INTG1-GC_1005_1_014/Tips on Journal Writing 1.docx
Journal Entry 7
According to a report in CNBC, social media ad revenues reached $41.5 billion in 2020. Making up nearly 20% of all internet revenue. Digital video saw 20.6% year-over-year growth, increasing its share of total internet ad revenue by 1.3% to reach 18.7% April 7, 2021. To what do you attribute the extreme growth of social media ad revenue and digital video growth? From your perspective is it effective to achieve sales? Or not? Give an example of an outstanding social media ad. What do you predict will be the future trend for this media channel? Please put you reflections in your journal.
Journal Entry 8:
Consumers have a limited attention threshold, and you must get to them, with a message they respond to, within 8 seconds. Consider your personal interfacing with digital media. Where do you primarily visit on the internet and what are the digital ads that you see most frequently? Which ads have you clicked through to their website? Which digital ads led you to make a purchase and why? Think about your viewpoint as to the effectiveness of this vehicle and respond to this in your Journal.
Journal Entry 9:
Measure your time on social media for the entire week, Thursday – Thursday. Determine how many hours/minutes a day are you using it, posting, responding? List the top sites/locations you are on. Reflect on the advertising you see in this context? What are your favorites and why? What the ones you feel are ineffective? How could social media advertising be improved or more effective for sales. Respond in your Journal entry for this week
Journal Entry 10:
In the advertising and marketing world, we not only deal with the entirety of marketing fundamentals to establish campaigns, we also work with teams of associates in various areas of the business we promote – from research to business, finance, manufacturing, distributions, sales, marketing, human resources, support staff, clients, etc. This week reflect upon the process of group dynamics and managing teams. What are the best ways to develop a united group effort and ensure that all areas are listened to and incorporated as part of the marketing process? How can group work best be managed? How can you handle those who are non-contributors or those who take too much control? What is the best way to ensure a collaborative and productive end result? Please provide your thoughts in Journal writing
Journal Entry 11:
For your final reflection for the semester, review the content of each class this semester and provide your perspective on what worked in the class, what could be improved and what needs to change. What were some of the key learnings for you for this semester? How, has it made you view advertising and your professional aspirations?
Please view this TED talk on How to Give a Killer Presentation
/content/enforced/59106-FA21_INTG1-GC_1005_1_014/How to Give a Killer Presentation – Lessons from TED – Claudio Sennhauser1.html
Additional Options to Write about. This is optional and does not replace Reflections listed above.
Purchase decisions you make
Purchases you observe others make
Ads you read, hear or watch and your opinion
Discussions you have with others about products/brands
Observations or thoughts about class discussions or reading
I will Provide what i did last time fo Journal 1 Entries you can see for example
Requirements: 10

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