Be sure to read all instructions. Glengarry Glen Ross depicts two days in the li

Be sure to read all instructions.
Glengarry Glen Ross depicts two days in the lives of four real estate salesmen, who are supplied with names and phone numbers of potential clients (leads) rationed out by the office manager. They are not selling well. Blake (Alec Baldwin) is sent by Mitch and Murray (the owners of the real estate office) to motivate the salesmen.
Watch the Glengarry Glen Ross clip. You will find it in the “Unit 3: The Renaissance module.” (Please note: The clip contains profanity. It is not meant to offend, but to illustrate some ideas about Machiavelli.)
If you haven’t already, read Machiavelli, Selections from The Prince, in the “Unit 3 Primary Source Exam PDFs” module.
Answer the following in your essay:
How does the film clip illustrate Machiavelli’s ideas about power?
Would Blake (Alec Baldwin) be considered a successful ruler in Machiavelli’s view? Why or why not?
How would you react to being treated as Blake treats these salesmen?
Regardless of your reaction as his employee, would Blake achieve his goals? Why or why not?
Your essay will be graded on the following:
All parts of assignment are answered.
Ideas demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the topic.
Writing is clear and organized.
Essay is at least 400 words. (It can be longer if you want.) Word count is not arbitrary. It is meant to help you expand on your ideas.
You’ve provided your own opinion. No outside research is necessary.
How to save and submit your essay:
Write your essay in software such as Microsoft Word for PC or Mac.
Make sure your file is .doc, .docx, or .pdf.
Name your file with your last name and file type (example—Smith.doc)
Please note: if you use Pages, you must save your file as a PDF. File—Export to—PDF
If you use Google Docs, you must save your file as a PDF. File—Print—Destination—Save as PDF. Then click Save, and choose where you want to save it.
Post your paper here by the date and time listed here and in the Course Schedule. You must submit your paper here. No essays will be accepted in class or by email.
Be sure to save a copy of your work

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