Attached is my final paper I wrote. Please use the paper to write a two page sum

Attached is my final paper I wrote. Please use the paper to write a two page summary on what my term focus is going to be on which is entering Saudi Arabia manufacturing industry. Basically summarize the 6 page paper I shared with you to two pages. Make sure the paper starts with “For my term focus”
Class instructions:
FOCUS: The paper should succinctly state your term focus in its opening paragraph. For example, “For my term focus, I am going to study the solar panel manufacturing industry in each country we examine to understand where the best opportunities might exist for a locating a regional startup in this field. As part of this study, I will investigate the state of currently employed technology as well as what is in the commercialization pipeline of local manufacturers; what is currently imported; the size of the current market and future projections of that market; the laws and incentives that support, impede and or encourage that industry and the costs of production and potential sales volume (ie. the business proposition) …”

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