Assignment Descriiption: Part 1: Requires two submissions to the Module 1 Dropbo

Assignment Descriiption:
Part 1: Requires two submissions to the Module 1 Dropbox – an Excel file and a Word file.
An important behavior of successful students pertains to establishing a weekly study schedule. This may sound overly elementary, but, to the contrary, high-performing college students know exactly every hour of their day/week and how they will use their time. A planner helps you visually organize your week, making it easier to see when you have commitments and dedicated time to study, time for leisure, and other activities. This visual representation ensures that you allocate your time wisely, balancing various aspects of your life.
Download this Excel Time Management Weekly Planner: and complete a weekly study schedule.
Fill in the Excel planner with time blocks for work, sleep, school, family/friends, and free time.
In a separate Word document, in 250 words, detail how you plan to utilize this schedule to tackle your workload effectively and optimize study times.
Part 2: Requires one additional submission to the Module 1 Dropbox – a Word file.
Invention Strategies help the writer brainstorm ideas There are four main types of Invention Strategies: Direct Freewriting, Listing, Outlining, and Clustering-Branching (Behrens & Rosen, 2012).
Directed Free-writing – let your mind go and write spontaneously for a set amount of time, like 15 minutes or a certain number of pages. Think about a subject and just let what you think you know flow onto the page.
Listing – make a list and several sublists of your ideas. Let your mind go and jot down words and phrases related to the topic. Listing the ideas should be a way of brainstorming just the ideas. (Once the ideas are on paper you can switch to the actual outline of your paper.)
Outlining – the more structured version of lists. This would set the ideas in hierarchical order, with main points broken into subordinate points; allowing you to see the “outline” of your topic and paper.
Clustering and Branching – start with the main topic or idea and brainstorm ideas that flow from that main idea. Clustering is writing an idea in a circle on the paper and adding new bubbles containing the subtopics/ideas flowing from the main idea. Pick the subtopics that interest you the most and make further bubbles. Branching is the same concept but instead of bubbles or circles, you have branches or lines.
Choose one of the four Invention Strategies above to explore and refine the healthcare topic that you selected for the Module 1 Discussion posting this week.
In a separate Word document, in 250 words, describe your chosen strategy and rationale behind your choice and how you plan to use the selected invention strategy in future assignments.
There is 2 pages of 250 words and 1 planner.

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