5-7 pages (including cover page and resource page – resource page needs to be i

5-7 pages (including cover page and resource page – resource page needs to be in alphabetical order)
The importance of an effective leader in an organization cannot be understated.
Leaders and their leadership styles have been proven to have a significant impact on the organizational culture. The quest for answers to the question, “Who is best to lead in a changing environment?” continues to be debated.
Review the following article on leadership styles to support your work: 12 Leadership Styles Explained: Learn How to Find Yours.
Then, answer the following questions:
In your opinion, what leadership style would be the most effective to motivate employees to accept a change and why?
In your opinion, what leadership style would be the least effective to motivate employees to accept a change and why?
What examples can you provide to illustrate how successful leaders support employees during a change?
What communication strategies could leaders use so that everyone in the organization is aware of changes?
Your final submission should consist of a 5–7-page Word document (including cover page and resource page).
Please use this template to complete your work.

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