1st document: You assignment is to replicate all SPSS output found in the file C

1st document: You assignment is to replicate all SPSS output found in the file Chapter 7 Regression example (not the screen shots of SPSS instructions – just the output). To receive credit you must turn in one Word file (Word files have the suffix .doc or docx). Cut and paste the output to the word file. Submit the word file to the link found under assignments. Your numbers may not match the numbers in the file exactly – that is okay!
2nd document: In the text, there is a section in Chapter 7 labeled Interpretation of Results. Toward the end of that section there is an explanation of how to apply the raw score prediction formula to the output coefficients. In the example I provided, the coefficients are found under “unstandardized coefficients” look under the upper case B. You can see my coefficients applied to the raw score prediction formula in the textbook.
The picture attached in the file is for this document.
Raw Score Prediction Formula with Coefficients Added (below).
Y-hat = .201(x) + .237(x) + .082(x) + ((-.073(x)) + 2.444
Above is background for what you are assigned. Read carefully below to know what you are actually turning in.
Attached is a data set labeled “secondmidtermdata.” You are to carry out a linear regression with variables B,C, and D as predictors of A. Take the resulting coefficients and apply them to the raw score prediction formula. Always use the last model to get your coefficients – in the example above we used model 3. On a single word file, cut and paste all SPSS output from this exercise. On the same file write out your application of the raw score prediction formula. You really have to read the text carefully to know what is going on here! Make sure to use forward selection for your analysis.
3rd document: Please keep your overlap at 10% or lower. No direct quotes allowed. Write a 500-word summary of Chapter 7. The textbook is attached.
4th document: Attached is a document labeled Logistic Regression output. You are to replicate the SPSS output found in that file. Cut and paste the output to a single word document. Please read the chapter carefully prior to doing this assignment.
5th document: Please keep your overlap at 10% or lower. No direct quotes. Write a 500-word summary of Chapter 11. Textbook attached.

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