1. We picked TikTok Choose one of any social media platforms you like to presen

1. We picked TikTok
Choose one of any social media platforms you like to present. Please use Zoom to record your presentation as a video and upload this video to YouTube. Make this video unlisted, so it is not public, but people with the link are able to see it.
3. As long as you cover the three topics (a. uniqueness of this social media; b. doing advertising; c. what is the best content to be published on this social media) in your presentation, you will be fine. However, if you miss any part of these three things, your grade will be adjusted if needed. You can add any other information to this presentation if you would like. You can refer to Chapter 10 of the textbook for more details, and you can also borrow ideas from this chapter.
4. The presentation should be more than 5 minutes and less than 8 minutes.

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