1. For your Unit 5 Complete assignment, write a Comprehensive APA Analysis Paper

For your Unit 5 Complete assignment, write a Comprehensive APA Analysis Paper and at least three scholarly sources to address the items listed below (minimum 1000 words).
Be sure to use in-text citations, at least three scholarly sources.
Can a single standard of ethics be applied to all criminal justice agencies? Or is the world too complex to legislate morality and ethics?
Would strict punishments deter people who commit horrendous crimes such as stealing newborn babies? Or are such criminals immune to the threat of punishment because they suffer from a biological or psychological abnormality? Is it ethical to punish such people, or would we be better off treating them for their psychological problems?
What if you were a judge in a juvenile case where the juvenile had killed another child with a gun? It is not quite clear whether it was an accident or whether the offender killed the other child on purpose. The offender is 12 and the victim is 11. Would you waive the offender to adult court? Why or why not? Use your resources to provide support to your decision.

Posted in Law

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