1-Do you think that Moroccan literature and Andalusian literature can be conside

1-Do you think that Moroccan literature and Andalusian literature can be considered one literature?
2- Literature in Morocco witnessed a remarkable flourishing during the Almoravid era? Talk briefly about this topic?
3- Did Moroccan literature written in French emerge in Morocco? Why? What is your knowledge about this type of literature?
-4 The great role of Syriacs in building Arab civilization is not hidden from everyone? List only the most important contributions of the Syriacs in establishing the foundations of Arab civilization?
-5 Why were most of the doctors in the era of early Islam Syriac Christians?
6 – Where were Syriac Christian doctors trained in the period between the pre-Islamic era and the emergence of Islam?
-7 Why was there leadership in translation into Syriac? What are the reasons? Only a number
– 8 What is your knowledge about the doctors of the caliphs in the Umayyad and Abbasid eras? Who were they? What is meant here is personal doctors? And why? Give examples?

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