Writing Prompt For this assignment, read Gods of Jade and Shadow, and watch the

Writing Prompt
For this assignment, read Gods of Jade and Shadow, and watch the films Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Using ALL three of the assigned works–Gods of Jade and Shadow, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon–identify, analyze, and explain the significance of a thematic connection between all three texts.
What are the authors saying about the theme, and how is it demonstrated in the text? What can we take away from this?
This assignment is designed to push you beyond the work you completed for your previous essay in which you identified and explained your observations. In this assignment, you’re expected to analyze and develop an argument about ONE of the suggested themes listed below or one you’ve discussed with me. Consider and explain why your observations and analysis are important to us–your readers–and the academic conversation. What can we gain from your analysis? Be prepared to dig deep to find and share the treasure you’ve gained from your intellectual investigation of the texts. This should be woven throughout the essay and not addressed merely in conclusion.
Questions to Consider:
Without limiting yourself to the main characters, how do three of the characters from the various texts forge their own paths to become heroes?
What role does patan play in helping or hindering the success of the hero?
Does rebellion help or hurt the success of the hero? What roles do mentors (or family) play in the development of the hero?
How does forgiveness allow the characters to reach their full potential?
How do the obstacles in the stories help the characters to transform or become more than they thought they were capable of?
Directions: Employing the skills you utilized and honed in the Unit 1 Essay, write a 4- to 5-page academic essay (at least 1500 words), employing MLA Style formatting and documentation throughout.
The essay should have a minimum of 6 paragraphs, including an introduction, 4 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Begin with an introductory paragraph that hooks your reader’s attention, provides background information about the three works, and leads seamlessly into a clearly stated thesis. Develop body paragraphs which incorporate quoted and detailed evidence from our course materials (Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Gods of Jade and Shadow) while using proper MLA format to cite the texts. Quoted evidence should be incorporated thoughtfully and thoroughly into the essay by establishing context, introducing the quoted passages and scenes, and explaining how they support the main ideas of the body paragraphs and the essay as a whole. Include at least one quoted passage from each of the three different sources for a total of three quotes in each body paragraph. Essays that use APA or any other format other than MLA or that include ANY outside sources will earn a maximum of 50% on the assignment. To write well-developed body paragraphs, they should be no less than 250 words each.
Conclude your essay with a well-developed reflection of the theme and its significance. Answer the proverbial “So what?” question. What can we, your readers, gain or learn from your analysis? What is the treasure we take away?
Outside sources are not allowed for this essay. Any essays that use outside sources will earn a maximum of 50% on the assignment.
Include a Works Cited page that includes all three sources (Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Gods of Jade and Shadow, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).
I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey of discovery as we examined the stories of international heroes!
For the complete instructions for this essay, click on the link below or directly refer to the Week 8 module page titled
Unit 3 Essay Prompt.

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