Writing assignments must use APA style.. compliant formatting and include a title page, appropriate citations, and references.
ASSIGNMENT: • Writing Assignments:
o Horizontal Curriculum Map by Month Overview (30 pts.)
Decide on the grade level and the subject area that you will select for use in the development of your curriculum project. Locate the national, state or local standards for the grade level and subject area and read through the standards for your chosen grade level. Highlight or make notes of key terminology used
throughout the standards. Using the Horizontal Curriculum Map by Month
template, map out the main topics for each month. Include standards, essential questions, content, and skills for each month.
o Unpacking a Standard (30 pts.)
Next, select ONE standard, either content or literacy, from your Curriculum map (your final project will include at least one content and at least one
literacy standard). Follow the unpacking process outlined in the lecture
(identify verbs and nouns within the standard) – template provided in the
appendix. In the last column of the template, you are asked to outline prior 10 and following standards to identify prerequisite knowledge of standard and what students will need to know for next grade level.
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT: You only need to unpack one of your identified
standards but BOTH standards need to be identified. Also, both content and
literacy standards need to be addressed in your identified activity (see Week 3
Writing Assignment).
o Identify the literacy standards you will target throughout your course.
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