Using a quantitative approach allows for collecting a large amount of data from

Using a quantitative approach allows for collecting a large amount of data from the participants, which enhances the study’s validity. Additionally, a quantitative approach enables the researcher to generalize the findings to a larger population beyond the sample included in the research. The quantitative approach is justified in this study because the research questions require numerical data analysis. The research aims to answer the research questions by analyzing the participants’ responses using an experimental design one-way within-subject. A quantitative research approach for this research is appropriate because it enables the researcher to collect and analyze numerical data using statistical methods. This approach is well-suited for the research questions, which require a comparison of the effectiveness of traditional activities and games on English vocabulary acquisition. Using a quantitative approach enhances the validity and generalizability of the study’s findings and allows for meaningful conclusions from the data analysis.
Write about a previous study that discuss the quantitative approach to support what written above.

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