Use this article for the Report:

Use this article for the Report:…
Instructions for Paper
1. 5-7 pages double spaced
2. Issue statement: What is the policy issue (i.e., the problem that needs to be solved by government)? Who is the audience? What does the audience need to know?
3. Background: Why is it an issue? Who is affected? What legislation/regulations/programs have to be taken into account? Which groups have an active interest in this issue and what are their views?
4. Analysis: What are the main options for addressing this issue? What are the pros and cons (costs and benefits) of each option?
5. Recommendation: Which option do you recommend? Why?
6. References: Cite the sources of key arguments and evidence using APA or AMA format.
7. One of many examples that can be found online…good resource
Powerpoint instructions:
1.Create a powerpoint, approximately 6-12 slides.

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