Unit 3 Essay: Research Paper Throughout the semester we have moved from analyzin

Unit 3 Essay: Research Paper
Throughout the semester we have moved from analyzing individual arguments to understanding how arguments work within an academic conversation to exploring an inquiry in order to discover our own place within a discussion. Now, in this final essay, you have the opportunity to enter a conversation and make an original and informed argument in relation to your topic.
In addition to challenging and honing your research and analytical skills, the purpose of this assignment is to practice engaging in conversation with other sources and creating a strong argument, ultimately with the goal of making a productive and valuable contribution to the discussion. Thus, these skills will be valuable to you throughout your academic and future careers as you become familiar with important issues in your field so that you may enter into and participate in the ongoing conversations and research within your discipline.
Specifically, for this essay, you will locate at least 6–8 valuable sources (more if you deem necessary.) Most, if not all of your sources, should be scholarly, but some of your topics may demand other types of sources in addition to scholarly sources. Then, using your knowledge of academic conversations as well as all of the writing and argument skills that we have discussed, and that you have honed, you should engage with these sources to create a productive, sophisticated, persuasive, and original argument.
Things to consider. Do you…
Make a strong and specific thesis that articulates the objective (and argument) of your paper?
Clearly and convincingly support your argument throughout the essay?
Not simply summarize or repeat points and arguments from your sources, but use these sources to enter the conversation and to support your own argument? In other words, does your essay rely mostly on your own analysis and argument, and do you use your sources to support your points and to provide evidence to analyze and further your original argument (which should be the case)?
Provide detailed descriptions and evidence to support your analyses and claims?
Develop an effective organizational plan for your paper?
Transition well between paragraphs?
Make sure that all of your ideas and claims ultimately connect back to and support and expand your thesis/ argument?
Worth: 250 points
Length: 2200 – 3500 words ~ 8-12 pages double-spaced
Format: MLA
Due Dates:Rough Draft: April 22
Deadline #1: April 26
Deadline #2: April 29
Drafting + Submission Requirements
All essays must be drafted in Google Docs
Submit your final draft to CV as a .doc or .docx (either download your Google Doc or Copy/Paste it into a Word Document)
In the comment section on the submission page, you must share the Google Doc link with me with editor privileges
Failure to do so will result in your grade starting with an 80 (B-), meaning it will only lower from there.

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