The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain deeper understanding of the va

The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain deeper understanding of the various roles and settings that mental health treatment occurs; the people who do the work and their successes and challenges. You will be asked to reflect on your conversation and implications for your future nursing practice. To complete this assignment:
-Interview an individual that works in a mental health setting, or in a role that promotes mental health/well-being.
The Individual can be interviewed on phone or in person. (no email interview allowed).
– Write a paper approximately 3-5 pages long.
For the paper answer:
-Why you decided to interview this person.
-The individual’s role/responsibilities
-What do they like about the work they do?
-What do they consider to be trends in mental health care
-What do they consider to be challenges in mental health care.
-Summarize what you took away from the interview including important highlights and specific
implications to your current or future practice. Points will be given based on depth of reflection, all prompts followed, and specific examples of prompts and implications to practice. All written submissions must be formatted in APA 7 style including cover sheet, clear sections, and in-text citations and reference page if applicable. 10% point reduction for incorrect formatting and/or missing citations.

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