Pretend you are a nursing student at a long term care/nursing home facility. Des

Pretend you are a nursing student at a long term care/nursing home facility. Describe an act of caring being shown by someone at the facility. No names mentioned( use peer, patient, another nurse etc.) (Rubric for everythimg that needsto be included) Watson’s carative factor is clearly identified and defined/described 25 possible points (25%) Description of the situation is addressed (Must be about an interprofessional health care member other than yourself or your instructor) 25 possible points (25%) Rationale why the situation was perceived as a Watson’s carative factor 25 possible points (25%) Turned in on time 5 possible points (5%) . Follows the format (2-3 pages double-spaced excluding the title page and reference page) 5 possible points (5%) Applies APA style (title page, reference page, font, font size, margins, headings, in-text citations, etc.) 10 possible points (10%) Uses appropriate linguistic skills (grammar, punctuation, spelling, professional language, etc.) 5 possible points (5%)

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