Please Read the Extra Info Below Read a different chapter from “The Seven Secret

Please Read the Extra Info Below
Read a different chapter from “The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships”. How does the chapter relate to your life? What have you done in this area? What would you do differently? What will you teach your children about how to make better choices?
Include examples from your life. Provide some analysis of the topic. An “A” paper provides depth, not just a cursory glance. Papers should be 600-850 words, double-spaced, 1″ margins, and uploaded onto this Assignment page. If you need to know how to upload your paper, read the Instructions for Papers and Tests. And you can find out how to read my comments on the second tab.
Please run your spell-check beforehand! Try reading your paper out loud. This is a great way to catch errors. Your paper should be in standard English, with appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. You are not texting your friends here. This is a college course, and college-level communication is expected. If you need help with this, please use the tutoring services at NetTutor.
College guidelines on plagiarism are strictly enforced. Original work is expected; copying off the internet is considered plagiarism. Quoting a source is fine when necessary, but sources must be cited.
Here’s the extra information:
Your paper for this assignment will be used to determine if you have achieved the Student Learning Outcomes for the course, for the purpose of the college’s accreditation. I will be using a different grading method for this paper, but it still counts as 100 points, just like all the others did. It isn’t “more” important than the other work you’ve done in the class…but I need to report your scores (anonymously!). Please don’t stress about this! Instructors all over campus are randomly doing something similar.
See below. It’s slightly different than the previous ones, but not very much. The Sample you’ve already seen would meet this assignment perfectly, as well.
Psych of Women SLO Rubric
Psych of Women SLO Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept Introduction
20 ptsExcellent
All relevant concepts are clearly stated and accurate. There are ample examples to back up the concepts in the chapter.
10 ptsGood
Concepts are clearly stated and accurate. There are some examples relevant to the chapter.
5 ptsFair
Basic concepts are included, however lacks breadth and depth.
0 ptsPoor
Content is incomplete; there is minimal information on the concepts.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Concepts
60 ptsExcellent
Detailed descriptions of the concepts are clearly developed and explained with ample examples. Background information is supplied to illustrate the logic of the application.
40 ptsGood
The concepts are developed and backed up by some examples. Some background information is described.
20 ptsFair
Some development of the concepts, with few examples. Ideas are present, but not well supported by symptoms or evidence.
5 ptsPoor
Very few or no concepts are developed. The student does not display an understanding of how the concepts are applied.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffects on Children
10 ptsExcellent
Includes a detailed description of short- and long-term effects. Gives ample examples.
7 ptsGood
Includes a good understanding of short- and long-term effects. Includes one or two relevant and clear examples.
4 ptsFair
Includes a brief summary of effects. Includes one example that is somewhat relevant.
2 ptsPoor
Very few or no description of the effects on children are identified. No examples are indicated.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnglish usage
5 ptsExcellent
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. Professional language is used throughout the paper.
3 ptsGood
Rules of grammar, and punctuation are followed with minor errors. Spelling is correct. Language is mostly professional. Overall, the paper is comprehensive and easy to read.
2 ptsFair
There are some errors throughout the paper in punctuation, spelling, and/or language. Language is somewhat professional; some conversational tone.
0 ptsPoor
Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Language uses jargon, slang or conversational tone.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat
5 ptsExcellent
Paper meets or exceeds the length requirement. Paper is in APA/MLA format, following all guidelines for structure, format, font, margins, and spacing. Format and flow between paragraphs enhances readability of paper.
3 ptsGood
Paper follows designated guidelines. Paper is appropriate length. APA/MLA format is good, with few errors. Format and flow are good and deliberate.
2 ptsFair
Paper meets the minimum length requirement. APA/MLA format has flaws, however, the general idea of how to format a paper in this structure comes across. Format and flow neither add to nor subtract from the readability of the paper.
0 ptsPoor
Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting. Minimum length requirement is inadequate. Paper is not in APA/MLA format. Format and/or flow make it difficult to follow the writing.
5 pts
Total Points: 100

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