Please be aware of Plagiarism!! I have attached two texts that can help, there i

Please be aware of Plagiarism!! I have attached two texts that can help, there is another text but it is too big to attach; the book is Intro Psychology Openstax: ISBN-10 1938168356
ISBN-13 978-1-938168-35-2
Revision PS-2014-001(03/16)-LC
My Personality
Briefly explain and give an example of the following theories (you may want to give personal examples, to help you remember and connect with the material; see question #7 before responding)
Approximately three paragraphs total for all the questions
Please see University Policy on Academic Integrity and use of AI in syllabus
1) Freudian Theory of personality (choose and explain 1 concept of his theory that resonates with you such as his structure of the mind, defense mechanisms, etc.; give an example of your chosen Freudian concept and explain why it resonates with you).
2) Neo-Freudian Theories of personality (select 2 theorists from the list that resonate with you, explain why your chosen theorists resonate with you, explain the major components of their theories and how each theory is different from Freud and/or how each retains aspects of Freudianism) i) Adler
ii) Maslow
iii) Horney
iv) Erikson
3) Trait Theories of personality; The Big Five Factor Theory; explain what a “trait” is, what the five factor theory is about (OCEAN), and how these factors capture and explain an individual’s personality traits with an example
4) Behavioral/Social Learning Theories of personality (explain and give an example of each)
i) Skinner (operant conditioning)
ii) Watson (classical conditioning)
iii) Bandura (social learning theory)
5) Humanistic Theories (explain the theories and give an example of each)
i) Maslow
ii) Rogers
7) Which theories do you think have had the most impact on the formation of your personality? Please explain how/why, starting with the theories that you believe were most influential in your personality formation and why, to the theories that were the least influential in the formation of your personality, and why.
Approximately 1 well-developed paragraphs for #7.

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