-Please answer all questions   -4 short essay questions (2×5 points, 2×7.5 point

-Please answer all questions
-4 short essay questions (2×5 points, 2×7.5 points)
-Total points that can be achieved (25 points)
-Please upload the finished document to Canvas by April 24th, 9:30pm.
-Average time to finish the assignment: approximately 180 mins
-The exam is open book/open notes
-no chatgpt or similar
-individual assignment
-page limit: overall 6 pages, double spaced
Building on the case study “Cola Wars Continue,” please analyze the 5 competitive forces of the industry (i.e., using the article of M. Porter on “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy”)? (5 points)
Building on the case study “Cola Wars Continue,” how can Coke and Pepsi sustain their revenues and profits with the growing popularity of non-carbonated soft drinks (you can take today’s perspective or the perspective at the time the case was written)? Please prioritize your answer. (7.5 points)
Please analyze how to potentially avoid “Red Ocean Traps” using a restaurant example in San Diego. (5 points)
4. Please analyze the concept of “digitally transforming customer experience” using an own example or a recent business example along the concepts highlighted in the article on “The nine elements of digital transformation.”  Where do you see major digital transformation opportunities for the example firm you have chosen? (7.5 points)

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