NO AI PLEASE One of the nutrition interventions for Hypertension and Cardiovasc

NO AI PLEASE One of the nutrition interventions for Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease is to follow the DASH diet. (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).
Develop a one day meal plan that meets the requirements for the DASH diet and is also low sodium. Submit this is a table (left side is the food at each meal and the right side is the food group and then a column for the amount of sodium)
Sodium goal is < 2300 mg per day. Fruits- 2 Vegetables-3-4 Dairy or calcium source 2-3 Proteins: no more than 6 oz animal proteins Grains 4-6 servings 9 (1 slice of bread of 1/2 cup) Legumes/Nuts- 1 serving PLEASE NO AI

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