MODULE REVIEW: Shock and Resuscitation You should have an extensive understandi

MODULE REVIEW: Shock and Resuscitation You should have an extensive understanding of the following concepts. Your response should provide detailed explanations and how they may pertain to an EMT’s duties or scope of practice.
What are the differences and similarities between infant, child, and adult BLS? (Include both 1 and 2 person BLS standards)
What is the pathophysiology of shock?
What are the 3 basic causes of shock?
What is cardiogenic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is obstructive shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is septic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is neurogenic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is anaphylactic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is psychogenic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
What is hypovolemic shock? Include description, causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.
Each correct answer is worth 1/2 a point, 10 questions total = 5 points possible.
Each question must be typed and identified with a number followed by the answer to the question.
Assignments submitted with misspelled words, poor punctuation or poor grammar will receive no points.
Students who do not submit the review assignment in the proper format as directed will receive no points.

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