Module 4 Discussion 2 Cultural sensitivity and diversity in health Purpose The p

Module 4 Discussion 2 Cultural sensitivity and diversity in health Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the use of culture, cultural diversity, and cultural sensitivity in leading and managing workplace situations. This assignment will help you explore your individual cultural competence and your own skills, knowledge, and awareness in your interactions with others, and recognize what you can do to become more effective working and living in diverse environments. Task(s) Read OER Chapter 2, Diversity in healthcare organizations; View the YouTube video Cultural Humility; complete the Cultural competence self-assessment checklist. Answer the following discussion forum questions in your main post: Why is it necessary to understand values, beliefs, and rituals held by culturally diverse staff and patients? What implications would “cultural sensitivity” have for you as a nurse leader or manager? What specific tools could you use to incorporate cultural diversity into your practice setting? Describe areas of strength and areas for development from the Cultural competence self-assessment checklist that are important as you develop the nurse leader role. Grading Criteria This activity is worth 100 points and includes the criteria listed below. Please refer to Discussion Rubric for more details. Criterion 1: Initial post as scheduled (200-400 words) with critical thinking and two references. Remember – Do not quote (if possible) on the discussion board. We want your analytical thoughts after reading the material. Criterion 2: Responded to at least two classmates as scheduled (100 – 200 words) using critical thinking. No additional reference is required. Due Date

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