Based on your experiential assignment recently conducted now write a 3-5 page pa

Based on your experiential assignment recently conducted now write a 3-5 page paper discussing a particular population you think this exercise or another activity of your choosing might benefit them, why, and any possible contraindications. Also include the following: ~What de-brief questions would be helpful for this exercise and particular population? Why? ~ How might you incorporate the usage of therapeutic metaphors and other ideas presented in Chapter 8 of Adventure Therapy textbook. ~ Include aspects of Fidelity(are the steps being taken to implement the exercise as it was designed?) ~Logic(why it will work, i.e. the activity promotes self efficacy through the mastery of a certain task- which can be a resiliency or protective factor in mood disorders) and evaluation(how will the exercise be evaluated for efficacy?- both process and outcomes). This paper needs to be 3-5 pages and in APA style. Title page and reference pages don’t count.

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