As a future Speech Language Pathologist or Audiologist, you will encounter many

As a future Speech Language Pathologist or Audiologist, you will encounter many different types of communication disorders. Individuals going into this field are often inspired to specialize in one specific area of communication disorders. For your last assignment of the course, reflect upon the language disorders discussed in class, Specific Language Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury and Childhood Hearing Loss. After thinking about the disorders, write a reflection essay addressing the following questions and parameters:
What new insights did you experience in learning about these disorders?
Which of the disorders are you more likely to want to work with and why?
Which of the disorders would you feel the least comfortable working with and why? Be honest but respectful. It’s okay not to feel comfortable working with some populations.
How do any of these disorders tie into your own “story” in your desire to become a Speech Language Pathologist, Audiologist, or other health care professional?
Please make sure that you write complete and grammatically correct sentences with proper spelling and punctuation and address all of the above areas thoroughly. Your essay should contain 500-600 words. (5 points).
To answer some questions to make it easier… One major insight I learned was that autism spectrum disorder looks different on people. I feel like downs syndrome and autism are often linked together however autism doesn’t have to look like downs syndrome. I would most likely want to work with traumatic brain injury and the surgery aspect of that as well as getting people back to health (physical therapy). I don’t know if i would be uncomfortable working with any of the disorders, I think I would not know until I could actually interact and work with them in real life. I want to become a PA so I will most likely encounter many of these disorders as a healthcare worker, thus it is very important to understand and know about these disorders to identify and work with them.

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