1. Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe a change in the industry i

1. Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe a change in the industry in which your firm operates. The change may arise from a change in costs, entry/exit of firms, a change in consumer tastes, a change in the Macroeconomy, a change in interest rates, or a change in exchange rates. Label the axes, and state the geographic, product, and time dimensions of the demand and supply curves you draw. Explain what happened to industry price and quantity by referencing the demand and supply curves. If more than one change occurred, decompose the change into smaller pieces so that your explanation has a step-by-step character. (Hint and warning: Demand and supply curves are used at the industry level, not the firm level.) Describe how your company could profitably use the analysis. ( Make sure all Criteria have been fulfilled).
2. provide a graduate-level response to the following questions: How can ethics be applied to environmental issues? (Minimum 500 Words with Five Scholarly references)
3. What are several of the most critical environmental issues now receiving worldwide attention? (2 Pages Length APA Format)

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