This paper is an ETHNOMUSICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS on Banda (in the United States) And

This paper is an ETHNOMUSICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS on Banda (in the United States) And Reflexivity – how do we express ourselves – is music a reflection of ourselves or do we reflect ourselves onto the music. Use the Times or Times New Roman 12-point. Margins: Left is 1 1/2 inches, top, right, and bottom 1 inch wide.
Include 2 primary sources and 2 secondary sources and a tertiary source from one of the following.(Garland Encyclopedia of World Music (STRONGLY suggested)
• Oxford Dictionary of Music (STRONGLY suggested)
• Grove Dictionary of American Music (STRONGLY suggested)
• Another MUSIC encyclopedia or dictionary (NO WIKIPEDIA)
One additional source that is a Master’s thesis or Ph.D. dissertation
One additional source that is from a newspaper
One additional source of any type

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