PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT – Due March 22 Working in groups of 3, students will devel

Working in groups of 3, students will develop a research proposal. The purpose of the research
proposal is to provide an opportunity to apply the conceptual, methodological and critical skills
learned in SWP638. Students are expected to keep in mind the Mission Statement of the School
when developing the proposal. Integrate a minimum of 12 sources that inform the proposal.
Provide a list of all sources used, in APA format. Maximum 50% sources in total from required
and/or recommended readings. The assignment should be written in the style of a research
proposal, which could, for example, be presented to a workplace supervisor for approval to
conduct the study. The assignment should be submitted by one group member via D2L, and it
must be in WORD format and not as a PDF file.
ABSTRACT – Due March 1
Each group is required to submit a 150-word abstract of their group assignment providing
details of what their topic is, what their qualitative inquiry approach will be, and how their
group positions themselves in relation to this topic. Abstracts are due no later than 5:00 pm on
March 1. Lack of submission of the abstract will lead to a 3% deduction from the final grade on
the group project. Abstracts will not be graded, but those that require further
clarification/development will be returned.
1. Problem Statement, Purpose, & Research Objectives (400-600 words)
Drawing from a minimum of 2 sources1 , discuss the following:
● Identify a research issue and problem statement related to this issue.
● Discuss the importance and contemporary relevance of the issue and its relation to social
work practice.
● What are the potential implications and contributions of this research to social work,
social justice and social change?
● State the overall purpose of your research and outline specific objectives of your research.
● In the context of the selected topic what is the positionality of your group members? How
does this influence what you know about the topic?
2. Literature Review, Theoretical Framework, and Research Questions (1200-1500 words)
● Literature Review – Review minimum 10 sources1 (minimum of 5 sources must be sources
that each detail the process and results of a research studiy) and discuss key concepts,
methodologies and findings of research and any other sources that inform your study.
● Identify and discuss theoretical framework/s that inform the study. Draw from some of
the 10 sources used for your literature review, as well as using a minimum of 2 other
sources2 specific to your theoretical framework.
SWP638: Social Work Research Part II Group Assignment: Winter 2024
● Situate your research within your literature review and theoretical framework/s.
● Identify your research question(s).
3. Research Design (1600-2300 words)
Describe the research design in relation to the following aspects. In each of these areas
provide a rationale for the choices you made. These should be specifically described and their
strengths and weaknesses should be critically appraised. Use a minimum 10 sources1
(minimum of 5 of these sources must be peer-reviewed journal articles).
3. Research Design (continued)
● Approach of inquiry: Any of the qualitative approaches of inquiry.
● Sources of information: Discuss the sources from which you will collect data.
● Recruitment and sampling techniques: Discuss recruitment of participants including
details of how you will recruit and from where you will recruit your participants. In case
you are planning to recruit more than one group of participants discuss recruitment
strategy for all groups. Attach (as an appendix3 ) an e-mail, flyer or any other material you
plan to use for recruitment. What is your sampling strategy? What are the criteria for your
sample? What is your intended sample size?
● Data collection methods and instruments: Discuss methods of data collection and
instruments you will use for all groups of participants identified in the above section.
Attach (as an appendix2 ) all data collection instruments with the proposal.
● Data analysis and interpretation: Discuss your data analysis and interpretation approach.
● Dissemination strategy – Review the significance of research for social work practice and
consider how stakeholders would be informed of results.
4. Ethical Considerations
• Indicate the ethical considerations and limitations that could be invoked by the research
and the strategies to be used to address these issues.
5. References
List all references, in APA format
Guidelines & Endnotes
Include a Title Page for your proposal.
Use APA 7 th edition for citing and referencing material.
Minimum of 12 sources; maximum of 50% sources from required and/or recommended
SWP638: Social Work Research Part II Group Assignment: Winter 2024
Title Page, Reference List and Appendices not included in total word count.
Word limit: 3200-4400 words
1 There can be (but does not have to be) overlap between these sources.
2 These sources (minimum 2 sources) used for theoretical framework must be different from the
other minimum 10 sources used; they cannot overlap.
3 Appendices are not included in word count

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