PrepareIn preparation for this assignment, Read Chapter 6: Facilitating Technolo

PrepareIn preparation for this assignment,
Read Chapter 6: Facilitating Technology-Enriched Learning Environments and Experiences
Read the Week 2 Instructor Guidance
Read the following article: The Importance of Teaching All Students About Tech Accessibility FeaturesLinks to an external site.
Read UDL Guidelines ChecklistLinks to an external site.
Read Project Audio: Teaching Students How to Produce Their Own PodcastLinks to an external site. (If you have trouble accessing this article online, the article is also available in your University of Arizona Global Campus library).
Review the example of this Podcast: How We Can Motivate Students
Download the required Week 2: Multiple Means of Representation Podcast ScriptLinks to an external site. Template.
Review the rubric for this assignment so you are aware of how your performance will be evaluated by your instructorWrite a Podcast ScriptThe podcast must include the following requirements:The podcast should have a music introduction (listen to the example).
The podcast should be 5 to 6 minutes long.
In the podcast, you should introduce yourself and the topic of the podcast.
The podcast should have a well-developed script that will be used to record. Use academic voice when writing your script. Use this template to help you: Week 2: Multiple Means of Representation Podcast Script TemplateLinks to an external site. Writing a script allows you to plan what you want to say in your podcast and plan out when you want to use music, sound effects, and silence to help bolster your message. The more you plan before you get started, the easier it will be to put together the pieces you want to use to bring your ideas to life.Topic #1: What is Multiple Means of Representation?Explain Multiple Means of Representation to your listeners. In your explanation, be sure to discuss why this principle is important, which part of the brain is activated, and the three guidelines.
For each of the following three instructional scenarios, identify a teaching strategy aligned to one of the three guidelines (perception, language and symbols, and comprehension) that could be used in the instructional scenario.Instructional Scenario #1: A learner in your instructional setting struggles with decoding math symbols, and the next lesson you teach uses math symbols.Identify the learning barrier.
Identify an instructional strategy to support this learner.
Discuss how this instructional strategy is aligned to one of the three guidelines under the Multiple Means of Representation principle.
Instructional Scenario #2: You have a learner in your instructional setting with a visual disability and struggles to see the images when you are presenting content or when they are working in a document with images.Identify the learning barrier.
Identify an instructional strategy to support this learner.
Discuss how this instructional strategy is aligned to one of the three guidelines under the Multiple Means of Representation principle.
Instructional Scenario #3: You have a learner in your instructional setting who has difficulty determining what information is essential and what information is of less importance when learning the new content.Identify the learning barrier.
Identify an instructional strategy to support this learner.
Discuss how this instructional strategy is aligned to one of the three guidelines under the Multiple Means of Representation principle.
Topic #2: The Blended Learning ModelsIn Chapter 6 of your text, choose one of the Blended Learning Models (Rotation Model, Flex Model, A La Carte Model, Enriched Virtual Model)
Explain your selected Blended Learning Model using evidence from the text.
Discuss how your selected Blended Learning Model would support Multiple Means of Representation. How might digital learning environments aid in the “what” of learning? Provide evidence from the text or outside source.
Topic #3: AccessibilityRead the following article: The Importance of Teaching All Students About Tech Accessibility FeaturesLinks to an external site.
Briefly summarize the article and what you have learned. Why is accessibility important to consider for all students and how does technology allow for greater student accessibility? Provide evidence from the course material to support your opinion.
Choose one of the accessibility features provided in the article and describe how this would support Multiple Means of Representation.
Topic #4: How Can Multiple Means of Representation Help Me?Describe one thing you have learned about the principle of Multiple Means of Representation that you find most impactful and why.
Describe how you might apply this principle into your current or future career path.
Describe how this principle can help you as a learner.
*You will submit your completed Week 2: Multiple Means of Representation Podcast Script Template to Waypoint.Required FormatWriting and Format Expectations,Must use the Week 2: Multiple Means of Representation Podcast Script templateLinks to an external site.
Podcast: Your podcast should be 5-6 minutes long (180 words equals approximately 2 minutes)
Script Requirement: The script must be three to four double pages in length (not including the title page and reference page) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site..
Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Consider using GrammarlyLinks to an external site. as a way to proofread your work.
APA Format: All in-text citations, page formatting, and references must be written in current APA format according to APA StyleLinks to an external site..
Must include a separate title page or slide with the following:
Title of Assignment in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
Student’s name
Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Due Date
Source Requirement: Reference at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible source in addition to the course text (minimum of two sources total) to provide compelling evidence to support your ideas. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.

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