For this forum, choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. When you respond to your peers please respond, if possible, to a learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected and then, at a minimum respond to at least one learner who has posted on the topic you did not select.Topic A: Female thinking?Present an argument that women think differently than men (or that they do not) and that they process moral matters differently (or they do not). Please see my first post before writing your response. Topic B: Women, testosterone and sportsPresent an argument that women with more naturally occurring testosterone should or should not be banned from competing against other women. Please tie your response to one of the moral theories already discussed. That is, present a utilitarian, Kantian, Virtue, or Natural Law defense – or preferably care ethics, as per the material this week. Topic C: AbortionAbortion is always a sticky subject. Taking the into consideration the material provided about care ethics and relationships, present an argument that there are times when having an abortion is the morally right thing to do. ***Please tie your responses directly to the lesson material, readings/videos, rather than just your opinions on these topics.Here is a short video on how this question pertains to feminist ethics: Alternative Paradigms: Care Ethics and Feminine Ethics – YouTube Two arguments – for and against abortion:
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