Discussion question 1 The study of statistics can be intimidating, but it can al

Discussion question 1
The study of statistics can be intimidating, but it can also be rewarding. Describe at least two benefits to your life as a student by engaging in the study of statistics.
Requirements: Essay format; 250-300 word
Discussion question 2
Prompt: In Excel, what is a formula? Give an example using an operator. How is a function different from a formula? What are three things that are true for all formulas? Provide an example of when you would use function.
Requirements: Essay format; 250-300 words
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Using Microsoft Excel
By Salkind, Neil J.Edition : 5TH 22
Publisher : SAGE
ISBN 13 : 9781071803882
Chapter 1 and 2

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