Discussion Board: Healthcare Issues Instructions Select a healthcare issue and a

Discussion Board: Healthcare Issues
Select a healthcare issue and apply a decision-making model to find a solution to the issue. Refer to Chapter 6 Table 6.2 in the ebook Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care for assistance in the decision-making processes.
Then, write a 200–250 word initial post summarizing the healthcare issue and addressing the discussion prompts. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts.
Discussion PromptsWhat is the problem, and why is it important?
Identify at least two possible solutions to the problem. Provide a rationale for each proposed solution.
Summarize the expected outcome and how this will affect the patient, the staff, or the organization, depending on the topic.
Part 2: Reflective QuestionsCreate a Microsoft Word document and respond to the following questions and prompt:What are the phases of a QI project? Provide a brief description of each phase.
QI requires change. As a leader in QI, you will be expected to be a part of this change. Reflect on your tolerance for change. Summarize your level of flexibility and adaptability. Provide at least one strategy to improve your adaptability.
What qualities or characteristics would you expect from members of a QI team? Explain.

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