Your Project Proposal (Step 1) is due at 11:59pm on Th. 2/22 || Your Responses (

Your Project Proposal (Step 1) is due at 11:59pm on Th. 2/22 || Your Responses (Step 2) are due 11:59pm on Sun. 2/25
For your Social Issues Blog Project (click here to read the overview), you will need to select a social issue to write about. Remember that the issue you select will be the issue you focus on for every blog post this semester.
This homework assignment is for you to propose a social issue you will focus on, and to get feedback from your classmates.
As a reminder, the instructions for your Blog #1 are posted in the Week 6 module. Click here to read those instructions.
Step 1: Your Post
Step 1 is worth 5 points. For more information on this, scroll down to the “Grading” section.
For this Step 1, scroll down to click the “Reply” button. You will then see a text box, where you will write your answers to the following questions. After you have finished typing your answers, click “Post Reply” (the blue box on the bottom right corner of the text box). If you need more help on how to reply to these questions on a discussion board, click hereLinks to an external site.. After you have posted your answers to the following questions, you will see your classmates’ answers. You are then ready to do Step 2 below.
What topic will you be focusing on for your Social Issues Blog Project? Remember that you have already begun to think about and discuss a social issue to focus on the DB 4: Discuss Your Project Topic Ideas discussion board and may want to return there to review what you wrote and your classmates’ responses (click on the title to access it). Also remember that all blog posts will be about this same topic.NOTE that I will need to approve this social issue you are proposing so you should check back on my feedback before you begin constructing your Blog #1. If you need information on how to view the rubric results from me, your instructor, click hereLinks to an external site. and if you need information on how to view my comments on this assignment, click hereLinks to an external site..
Earlier this week you submitted a quiz about scholarly versus popular sources (click here to return to that). You will eventually need to find scholarly articles about your topic. Please tell us: What is at least one question you have about this topic that you think can be answered with scholarly sociological research? In at least 2 sentences, tell us how you know the question you wrote for #2 is sociological. Your answer to this should demonstrate that you understand the sociological perspective (or the sociological imagination) is and how your question reflects the sociological perspective/sociological imagination. You may find it helpful to review the sociological perspective or the sociological imagination by returning to the “What is Sociology” section of the textbook (click here) and/or material about the sociological imagination (click here). In at least 2-3 sentences, tell us why the question you wrote for #2 is important to you. During week 2 you discussed some of your topic ideas with your classmates. Return to that discussion by clicking here and scroll to your post. Answer the following:Is the topic you are proposing here any of the ideas you posted about on that discussion board?
Now read your classmates’ responses to your post. In their responses, your classmates were supposed to have asked you a question. If you got question from a classmate in response to your post on last week’s discussion, copy at least one of your classmates’ questions to you and paste it here. Then answer that question here. If you did not get a question, answer the following about your topic: (1) tell us why you did not receive any questions from classmates on last week’s discussion. For example, maybe no one responded to your post, or perhaps you did not get a chance to post to that discussion yet; (2) answer either “what is a current event that is related to your topic?” or “how has your topic impacted you or someone you know or people you care about?” Step 2: Respond to Your Classmates
This step is worth 5 points.
After you have posted your reply to Step 1 on this discussion board, you will have access to your classmates’ proposals.
Read through your classmates’ proposals.
Respond to at least 2 of your classmates by doing the following. Respond to classmates that do not already have a lot of responses. Answer the following 2 questions in your response to your classmates:What stands out to you in your classmate’s proposal?
Do you already know anything about your classmate’s social issue topic area or their question that you would like to share with them? If not, what is something you would be interested in knowing about their social issue topic area?
For instructions on how to respond to a classmate’s reply, click hereLinks to an external site. and scroll down to “Thread a Discussion Reply.”
To access the rubric for this discussion board, select the “more” icon (the vertical line of 3 dots) in the upper right hand corner of this page. If you are accessing this course by using the Canvas Student App, you will not see the icon. Instead, please use the menu to locate the rubric.
The number of points will be based on how well you meet the criteria indicated in the rubric. If you need more help locating the rubric, click hereLinks to an external site..
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