You will choose 4 artworks to write about, and each one will be written about us

You will choose 4 artworks to write about, and each one will be written about using a different writing style. If you’re not sure what I mean, go back and read each page of the SEE module, in order. I bet it will make more sense then.An outline uses Roman Numerals. Make sure your outline uses Roman Numerals to outline the following information. Make sure you provide two, yes, two, content descriptions because your second idea for content is probably going to be the more insightful one. I pay particular attention to Roman Numeral III dealing with the artist’s content:
I. Artist (or group)
a. age estimation, gender, education if known
b. country and/or city or origin
II. Structure of the artwork (what is the primary medium for the artist’s composition)
a. materials, size
b. subject, color, elements of design and composition
III. Content (What is the artist trying to say?)
a. your first idea
b. your second idea (must be different from your first idea)
Compare and Contrast
Compare and contrast the work or artist’s style that you are viewing with other works you have seen, perhaps by the same artist, but not necessarily. Below is a list of factors to be considered. You don’t have to compare and contrast everything on the list, just choose a couple of items to compare and contrast. Compare means to point out similarities; contrast means to point out differences. You need to both for full credit.
1. subjects
2. time periods
3. media
4. cultures
5. style qualities
6. space or other design elements
7. how the works are used, where they are seen
8. emotional qualities
Design Analysis
Describe the artist’s emphasis of line, shape, space, color, value, texture or time. What is the artist trying to say by creating emphasis in this way? Be sure to include in your discussion, when appropriate, the use of the principles of art such as unity, balance, emphasis, dominance, focal point, proportion, scale or rhythm and why the artist used them.
This is more than a simple description of the artwork – heavy emphasis should be placed on the Elements of Art you see.
The following is a list of poetry types and styles that comes from Millcrest Academy:
ACROSTIC POEM: A poem in which the first letters of each line form a word or message relating to the subject.
BALLAD: A narrative poem which is, or originally was, meant to be sung. Ballads are the narrative species of folk songs, which originate, and are communicated orally. The narrator begins with the climactic episode, tells the story by means of action and dialogue, and tells it without self-reference or the expression of personal attitudes or feelings.
CINQUAIN: A poetic form invented by Adelaid Crapsey, an American poet. The five lines of the poem contain, in order, two, four, six, eight, and two syllables. Iambic meter prevails.
CHORUS: Among the ancient Greeks the chorus was a group of people, wearing masks, who sang or chanted verse while performing dancelike maneuvers at religious festivals. Choruses also served as commentators on the characters and events who expressed traditional moral, religious and social attitudes. During the Elizabethan Age the term “chorus” was applied to a single person who spoke the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes introduced each at as well.
COUPLET: Two successive lines of poetry with end-words that rhyme.
FREE VERSE: A fluid form of poetry which conforms to no set rules
HAIKU: A Japanese form of poetry, which gives a brief description of nature. Haiku consists of three unrhymed lines of five, seven and five syllables.
LIMERICK: A light or humorous verse form of five lines in which lines one, two and five are of three feet and lines three and four are of two feet, with a rhyme scheme of aabba.
NURSERY RHYME: A short poem for children written in rhyming verse and handed down in folklore.
you are required to experiment with a DIFFERENT WRITING STYLE for each written sample you turn in in the SEE module.
Compose each writing sample in your word editor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs use the template provided, then upload the complete template in the SEE Assignment area.
If one of the links on the right doesn’t open for you, just move on to another in the list because you only choose one to write about.

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