) What does it mean to describe television programmes as ‘texts’? Discuss with r

) What does it mean to describe television programmes as ‘texts’? Discuss with reference
to programme examples, including the episode of Killing Eve used for analysis in weeks
2 and 3.
introduction (300 words)
– what do we mean by television texts I this context
– briefly explain how television can be analysed and why
– thesis statement
– More in -depth explanation of how and why television can and should be analysed
– Audience reception studies
– Discuss the findings of John Fiske and John Hartley’s ‘Reading Television’
– Why analyse TV?
– ‘Mythologies’ by Ronald Barthes (1957) -> semiotics could be applies to any cultural form
– Briefly discuss signs and signifiers (lecture)
– Analysis can be through visual aural written -> explain briefly, supported academically
– Additionally, analysis can be through narrative, genre, ideology, representation (lecture)
– With reference to the opening scene of Killing Eve: how and what it foreshadows shows about the main character
– Discuss the 4 in the show: narrative, genre, ideology, representation. Order of story, flashbacks, personality and foreshadowing
– Additional readings to consider including: Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method” by Gérard Genette. Genre Trouble: Narrativism and the Art of Simulation” by Brian McHale. Representation and the Media” by Nick Lacey. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film” by Seymour Chatman.
– Opening scene of Killing Eve, main character smiling to little girl, spilling ice-cream, restaurant ambiance, music, angles, blood on watch, what that foreshadows about the show and tells us about her personality
– The significance of changing the name of the story from the book to the show adaptation and why (Codename Villanelle -> Killing Eve)
– How the story was told in the scriipt vs. The execution with the production
– Color, lighting, costume, voices, body language, all set the expectations for the viewers
– Robert C. Allen’s edited collection of ‘Channels of Discourse: television and Contemporary Criticism’ — semiotics, ideological insights, genre applications, narratives, insights, cultural studies framework, post-modernism analysis
– Link again to killing eve episode
– Benefits and limits of textual analysis (lecture) (support this academically)
– Benefits: detailed examination of the text and content, appreciate complexities of construction, illuminate textual content contributes to the production of meaning in television, provides tools for comparing and contrasting forms of programming
– Limits: overlooks how television co-exists with other programmes, “textualist approaches tend to focus on textual detail at the expense of institutional context and history, and neglect the ways in which television is understood by audiences” (Bignall, P.4 , 2013)
– Defining texts by genres
– Limits: “if genre is dependent on the intertextuality, it cannot be an inherently textual component” (Mittel, 2006, p.6) -> you can’t just rely on genre to analyse a text, however “texts have many different generic properties” (Mittel, 2001, p6)
– Analysing texts by genre multidimensionality (fan art, coverage, logo, colors, trailers, print adverts, reviews, discuss with reference to Killing Eve
– Paratexts— ego drop of blood, coverage o Netflix and how that might derail the view, genre set as drama, coverages used and title
Additional info
– this is just a general outline i drafted for the essay, I’m not picky about the essay following this outline, but I would like it to include all the points please
– Include 2 more examples of shows movies scenes that can be analysed further
– Please back the information up with many academic sources and readings
– Please make it as critical and academic as possible
– Include online references from google scholar and the following references from the screenshots

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