W4: Communication Disorders Be sure to review the Discussion Guidelines prior to

W4: Communication Disorders
Be sure to review the Discussion Guidelines prior to participating in the discussions. You’ll want to review the provided rubric for each discussion prior to posting as well. If you need assistance working in the discussions, review this 2-minute video on How to Engage in the Discussions. Discussion Guidance
Discussion posts should be reflective of college-level writing and discourse. Please be sure that your posts are substantive and are written in depth and detail. As a guide, please use the following word count ranges:
Initial posts: 300 words minimum
Reply posts: 150 words minimum. Replies should relate to the post that you are responding to and in addition, ask a question, add new information or add a new resource to the discussion. Communication Disorders
Scenario:Jane is a first grade student who appears to be experiencing both expressive and receptive language difficulties. She has attended her home school since kindergarten and both Jane and her parents are native English speaking. Her kindergarten teacher did not document any difficulty with language in school records or mention anything to the parents.Her first grade teacher has noticed that Jane experiences problems with orally expressing herself clearly and responding appropriately to what others say to her without a visual support or repeated attempts but no formal interventions have been tried. Jane’s parents have not been contacted yet. Her first grade teacher is concerned that Jane may have a specific learning disability because her language is affecting her ability to read, and do math, however she is not sure about how to get Jane the help that she may need.

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