Use the ‘Data Analysis Table’ to help you determine the risk and criteria priori

Use the ‘Data Analysis Table’ to help you determine the risk and criteria prioritization. You will create a heat map (already started for you) and use a point-based system to help you determine which patients are most at risk. Analyze the data thoroughly by actuating the data filters for each of the criteria fields. Calculate points for each patient’s criteria/scoring to help inform your analysis. Sort by the column marked ‘Points Calculation’ once you have a heat map created to see what correlations appear.
Answer the following questions based on your audit, and challenge each other with your findings: 1. Which patients are at most risk for breast cancer follow-up? List the patients in order of greatest (top) to least (bottom) risk.
2. What are the weaknesses with the audit tool that make it difficult to truly determine patients at risk? 3. How would you suggest resolving the risk prioritization for those patients that scored the same number of points?
4. How did you elect to use or not use the ‘Exclusion Criteria’ columns (F & G)? 5. How do you define ‘No’ vs. ‘Not Met’ in how they are used in the audit? What is the difference between a ‘No’ answer and a ‘Not Met’ answer?

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