Update these requirements to the paper attached: Explain the role of leadership

Update these requirements to the paper attached:
Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process and you need to provide recent evidence, and the discussion in more detail versus the brief bullet points that you currently have now.
You need to explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.
Analyze the role of leadership in the strategic planning process, including the role of ethical responsibility.
Show the performance ratings for the leadership in the strategic planning process.
Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.
Apply strategic thinking approaches to resolve business related challenges.
Recommend a course of action based on an internal and external environmental analysis.
Recommend a course of action based on an internal and external environmental analysis.
Need more narrative for your internal and external environmental analysis framework and your key findings.
Show performance rating for the internal and external environmental frameworks analysis with your key findings for the external forces.
Need to recommend a course of action for the internal and external environmental analysis, recommended with supported evidence.
Need to provide more narrative analysis on the internal environment of an organization.
Need to analyze organizational strategies and how they relate to internal structure and governance, including use of evidence and examples, provide narrative analysis.
Show performance ratings for your internal environment of an organization.
Identify the elements of an internal environmental analysis.
Analyze the external POV of an organization in detail with complete narrative.
Analyze the external POV of an organization in detail with complete narrative.
Need to provide more narrative analysis on the external POV of an organization.
Need to analyze organizational strategies and how they relate to external POV and governance, including use of evidence and examples, provide narrative analysis.
Show performance ratings for your external POV of an organization.
Identify the elements of an internal environmental analysis.
Analyze the external POV of an organization in detail with complete narrative.
Analyze the external POV of an organization in detail with complete narrative.
Show all performance ratings for external POV.
Need to analyze the external environment of an organization.
Identify the elements of an external environmental analysis.
Analyze the external environment of the Nike organization.
Address the Nike assessment purpose in a well-organized text incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Address the Nike assessment purpose of the well-organized text incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Provide more support of your Nike analysis bullet points and provide more thoughtful and strategic detail for your information.
Add more narrative and critical summarization for Nike details beyond the quick brief one and two sentences that are currently provided.
Provide all the performance ratings for Nike’s Strategic Detail.
Provide Nike assessment in organized text appropriately use appropriate tone, and structured sentences.
Address the Nike assessment purpose with minimal issue related to evidence, tone, and sentence structure.
Address the Nike purpose in a well-organized text incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Apply the Nike standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.

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