Title: Project Management Subtitle: https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/ ISB

Title: Project Management
Subtitle: https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/
ISBN: 978-1-77420-013-1
Authors: Adrienne Watt
Publisher: BCcampus
Publication Date: August 14, 2014
Edition: 2nd Edition Minimum of 7 outside references plus the book refernce
Software project decision point.
You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2.
Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, ROI, and NPV.
Make a recommendation on which way to proceed, based on the TCO for each option.
Option 1: Purchase the FunSoft package: Cost $200,000 for software and $85,000 for hardware in year one; with $50,000 to customize it and a $40,000 annual licensing fee for the life of the contract. There will be an annual saving of $61,000 due to the layoff of a clerk.
Option 2: Purchase the SoftComm package, which will operate on the vendor’s hardware: Cost $250,000 for a five-year license, payable half up front and half during the first year of implementation. The maintenance contract, at $75,000 a year, includes all currently identified modifications to the software for the first three years. The clerk’s hours will be cut by half, for a saving of $25,000 a year.
In both cases, sales are expected to increase from the current $1 million a year, by 10% per year each year (over each year’s previous year’s sales) after full implementation.
Assume a five-year life for the software.
For a Good work,
Use the integration of content and external material on Project Initiation, Overview of Project Planning, for the calculations of Returns on Investment, Net Present Value, and Total Cost of Ownership to compare projects.
Assignment Requirements
1. Good Main heading
2. Good introduction paragraph
3. Good Subheadings
4. State the formula distinctively.
5. Calculate for Option 1-FunnSoft Venture and The annual saving of $61,000 to Year 5
6. Calculate for Option 2-SoftComm Venture and The annual saving of $25,000 to Year 5
7. Define all acronyms from the onset
8. Label all Tables and Diagrams
9. Explain all Tables/diagrams in the text.
10. Good Conclusion
11. Fair in-text citations and References
Notes for This and Future Assignments
Be sure to read through the notes below for learning and readiness to improve on your application of APA in this and subsequent assignments.
Tables, Graphs, Diagrams, and other Illustrations are labelled (in two lines) on the top, and given a Note. beneath. Remember to add brief in-text explanations for all diagrams, figures, and tables.
Avoid These Mistakes in Your Work
1. Faulty Main heading
2. No Introduction paragraph.
3. Faulty and Missing Subheading.
4. No labelling of Tables
5. Wrong running head
6. Stop centering subheadings wrongly
7. Wrong Conclusion heading and scanty conclusion paragraphs
8. No In-text citation.
9. Stop using 2 Headings consecutively -the 1st one without a paragraph becomes redundant
10. Stop ending headings with colons :
11. Stop using one-word headings.
12. Indent your paragraphs.
13. Stop using Faulty structure of References and page
Notes to Learn From
APA requires:
1. A Proper and Centered Main Heading and introductory paragraph.
2. Level 2 Flush-left Subheadings,
3. Flush-left level 3 italicized subheadings,
4. and a Flush-left Conclusion heading and paragraph with information from all sections.
5. If you include level 4 it is indented and ends with a period.
6. If you include level 5 it is indented, italicized, and ends with a period.
7. Add Correct In-text citations that correspond with the References
8. Always give a two-line title on the top and add Note. at the bottom that provides ample text explanation for any diagram (Graph, Table, Chart, and other illustration)
(See our General Presentation Guide APA 7th Edition notes)
9. Running Heads must be in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS
Notes to Learn From
10. Do not use Introduction as a main heading
11. Do not end APA headings with a colon:
12. Add Note. beneath your diagram to complete its label.
13. Do not use Quasi- ratings like High, Low, and Medium; they mean nothing without explanations
14. Week One Reflections -Chapters 1, 2, 3 are not good headings.
15. Reflection on Assigned Readings, and Reading Summary are not proper headings. Introduction, Answer, Reflections, Discussions, and Graduate Levels Response and the like are not proper headings:
16. Because they do not reflect the paragraph of information beneath them.
17. Never underline APA headings
18. Do not use etc., vs., e.g., i.e., and the like.
19. Work without a conclusion is incomplete

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