The measurement tools are the foundations of your program evaluation plan. The r

The measurement tools are the foundations of your program evaluation plan. The rest of your program evaluation design is determined by the methodology you have chosen and the tools you will use to facilitate that methodology. Last week you chose your methodology (a more specific version within the broader definitions of qualitative methods, quantitative methods, or mixed methods) and this week you are researching the different measurement tools you can use. Most standardized measurement tools will address a specific behavior or emotional challenge you are trying to help your target population decrease or increase. To begin your research you can use google, your textbooks, and the library measurement tools guides. Think about the problem or issue you want to help your target population improve or decrease and use that issue or challenge as the basis for your searches for an appropriate measurement tool. Specific Requirements: Initial Post Research and find 1-2 standardized measurement tools appropriate for evaluating your program developed last quarter It is important to consider the number of measurement tools that will be beneficial for evaluating either or both process goals (program efficiency) and outcome goals (client outcomes) Also, consider the relevance of standardized measures when evaluating a program–always think about the purpose of the tool and the purpose of why and what you are evaluating Keep in mind survey fatigue or question fatigue in which the subject has to answer too many questions or answer questions without enough time between surveys and the subject doesn’t think about answers and just provides any answers to be done with it Brief description of the program you developed last quarter (each group is randomly assigned which is why you always need to identify the target population for your program) Describe the tools–what are they measuring, standardization (who was it standardized on), and a sample of the questions Describe why you chose the tools Describe what you are intending to measure and how it helps you evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of your program

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