The focus of this assignment is to analyze a information systems project from your organization, or you may consider a project that is building an ecommerce web site for your organization, or a project which is implementing SCM software, or something else of your choice) and determine how it should be sourced. To do this analyze the project and determine need for control, need for knowledge, and if new technology. Then determine if the project should be done in house, outsourced, or through a purchased product that is tailored to the organization’s needs. Be sure to discuss global aspects of the sourcing: include where you will source to and if you are insourcing explain why you don’t want to globally source.
To do the write up use the 4 question format:
1. What did you do – in this section tell me how you did your analysis: what methods you chose, how you got data, how you analyzed the data. This section is all about how you are doing things, do not put results or outcomes here, just how you did it
2. What are the results – in this section tell me the outcome of your analysis and what sourcing you selected. Document your reasoning here. Include graphs or charts.
3. What did you learn – discuss your takeaways from the assignment, tell me what you learned about the analyses and how you can use them in the future, also discuss how they could be of value to the organization in the future
4. How does it relate – list and briefly discuss all the readings and slides that you used in doing this assignment
I don’t expect more than 10 pages (fewer is fine), write enough to tell the story but don’t add extra.
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