The children you observe for this assignment must be between ages 3 and 5, meani

The children you observe for this assignment must be between ages 3 and 5, meaning they had their 3rd birthday but have not yet had their 6th birthday. Observing a child who does not meet the age requirements for the assignment is an automatic 0.
Ideally, you will be able to observe a child in person, but if you do not have access to a child the right age, you may use the videos provided on the next 2 pages. Please note – you are either observing a child in person OR you are using the videos – not both. You are responsible for addressing all 4 areas of development and answering all the questions in each area (although if you cannot complete all the questions due to time constraints or other issues, you can turn in a partially completed paper and receive some credit for it). A thorough observation which follows the template and includes complete answers to all questions will be at least 4 full pages. Be sure to give complete answers and specific examples from your observation, and provide information from the textbook to support your conclusions. Before beginning, review the example that was provided in this module as well as the grading rubric, and download the template.
TEMPLATE FOR OBSERVATION CLinks to an external site.
Questions for Observation C
Physical Development Give at least 2 examples of gross motor skills that you observed.
Give at least 2 examples of fine motor skills that you observed.
Based on what you have learned about children this age, is the child developing typically, are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced their development? What suggestions can you give to support their development? Cognitive Development
Choose 3 of the following and describe the behaviors you observed that indicated characteristic of preoperational thoughtanimism
private speech
theory of the mind
Based on what you have learned about children this age, is the child developing typically, are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced their development? What suggestions can you give to support their development? Language Development
Give 3 examples of the child’s language that demonstrate his language development. Give an example of one of the following from your observation:Overregularization
Literal meaning
Based on what you have learned about children this age, is the child developing typically, are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced their development? What suggestions can you give to support their development? Emotional Development
Choose 3 of the following and describe the behaviors you observed that indicate exaggerated sense of self
functional play
symbolic play
constructive play
onlooker play
parallel play
cooperative play
rough and tumble play
Based on what you have learned about children this age, is the child developing typically, are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced their development? What suggestions can you give to support their development
This is her comment on the previous one I did and got a bad grade on it This was a bit challenging for me to read! You have extra headings, answers where they don’t belong, and not very many specific details at all. Once again it sounds like you had outside help. For many of the answers asking for examples, you provided general statements instead of specific descriptions. Remember that this is not a paper about the child – it’s an observation of the child. So all the examples should read like a play-by-play, with all the details of what the child said and did. Without the details of what you observed, it’s not clear whether you are applying the concepts correctly. All of your conclusions and recommendations need to be fully explained and supported by specific content from the textbook. It’s not enough to just say the child is developing typically. You need to explain in what ways their development is typical and connect what you saw to what the textbook says. Your answer for the influences and suggestions questions needs to be specific to the child you observed, and based on what you observed. Most of what you have is very general. Next time be sure to follow the template as is. Include only the headings that you see on the template, and don’t add any extras. I’ve highlighted a few of your examples/explanations with specific notes. Be sure to review those as well. To see them, go to Grades, click on the name of the assignment, and then on the “view feedback” link.

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